Thursday, November 12, 2015

Practice exercise - writing about a graph - Intermediate

The bar charts give information regarding average precipitation for two cities in Kazakhstan, namely Astana and Kazalinsk. Compare the two cities, paying attention to both similarities and differences.

We will go step by step through this again. With each example that is done, you should be growing more confident. Even though possible answers have been provided, try not to look at these until you have completed the questions to each step.

STEP 1 – Read the question carefully and identify the key words so that you know exactly what is expected of you.
Do this by underlining the key features of this question.

You should have identified: 'compare' 'similarities' and 'differences'

STEP 2 - Study the chart carefully and then ask some preliminary questions.
Do this by writing down these questions. There is no real correct or incorrect question, but there are relevant and irrelevant questions. Relevant questions will help you to complete the task.

You might ask questions like:
What does the x axis represent?
What does the y axis represent?
What are the highest and lowest bars in each graph? What are the values (or amounts) for each one?
What similarities exist within each graph and between the two graphs?
What differences exist within each graph and between the two graphs?

STEP 3 – Once you have asked the broad questions, start looking for and selecting the information you will use in your answer.
Do this by writing brief answers to the questions you wrote.

STEP 4 – Briefly plan what you are going to say and the order in which you will say it.
Do this by drawing a mind map or a bullet point list in which you show the sequence in which you will present your information, as well as headings/highlights of what this information will be.

STEP 5 – Write your essay, paying attention to grammar and spelling. Be aware of the linking words or transitional words that you use, as they are key to ensuring that your ideas flow in a logical manner.

For now, we will not write the full essay, but instead identify the key vocabulary that you would use in this essay, and then use each of these words in writing sentences that could be used in your Task 1 essay. The table below will help you with identifying key vocabulary, but you may use other words if you wish.

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