Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Writing about a Graph/Chart - Beginner/Intermediate

The bar chart gives information about the top ten most popular languages in the world, and the number of people that speak this language, as well as the countries from which they are primarily found.

Look carefully at the graph, noticing key features and important information, then answer the questions that follow.

1.      What is this subject of this chart?

2.      Are the bars running vertically or horizontally?

3.      What is represented by the y axis?

4.      What is represented by the x axis?

5.      How many bars are there?

6.      What/who does the longest bar represent?

7.      What/who does the shortest bar represent?

Now it’s time to try some challenging questions. You may need to research the flags if you are not familiar with them all.

1.      Which language has the most speakers in the world?

2.      How many people speak it?

3.      Which countries have this language as their official language or one of their official languages?

4.      Out of the top 10 most popular languages in the world, which language comes in at number 10?

5.      How many people speak this language?

6.      Which countries speak English as one of their official languages?

7.      What are the two main languages in Brazil?

8.      What are 4 of the most spoken languages in the U.S.A.?

9.      One language is the official language in more countries than any other, which language is it?

10.  Which language is the official language for only one country?

11.  How many people speak this language?

Now that you have gathered all this information, you would normally go on to plan and write your essay. For now though, we will take  look at a model answer, but you should fill in the missing words while you do it.

On the other hand                       Mandarin                           Though                           English

nearest                            English                          exceeding                       Mandarin

In contrast                    double

The bar chart compares the number of speakers in the ten most popular languages in the world, as well as the countries in which they are found.

It shows that the language spoken by the most people in the world is, _____________________with one billion speakers, and is spoken primarily in China, Taiwan and Singapore. ____________________, French, at tenth, is spoken by only 129 million people. ____________________Hindustani is the third most popular language in the world, behind ____________________ and ____________________, it is represented as an official language in only one country, namely India. ____________________, Arabic is officially spoken in the most number of countries – ten. The ____________________ other language is English, with eight countries speaking it as an official language.

Mandarin remains the most significantly popular language, ____________________ its nearest rival, ____________________, by almost ____________________, and representing more than one third of the world’s total population. (150 words)

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